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What is the market cap of Adler SA?

What is the market cap of Adler SA? As of the previous close price of €9.29, shares in Adler SA had a market capitalisation of €925.98m. Where are Adler SA shares listed?

Where is Adler Group based?

The company was formerly known as ADO Properties S.A. and changed its name to Adler Group S.A. in September 2020. The company was founded in 2006 and is based in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Trailing total returns as of 5/31/2024, which may include dividends or other distributions. Benchmark is

Does Adler SA pay dividends?

Last year, Adler SA paid a total dividend of €0.46, and it currently has a trailing dividend yield of 4.95%. We do not have any data on when Adler SA is to next pay dividends. When does Adler SA next pay dividends?

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